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Probleme mai vechi şi mai noi de numismatică medievală românească. Completări la Corpus Nummorum Valahorum

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Old and new topics regarding the medieval Romanian numismatics.
Additional information to Corpus Nummorum Valachorum
The paper presents and analyses one earlier medieval \Wallachian coin. The coin is a rare petty coinage called ban which was issued in Walachia during the reign of Mircea cel Bătrân (the Old) (1386-1418). The Banii-s was issued after Mircea 's great monetary reform which meant the introduction of the with the ruler's portrait type ducat among the coins of the Wallachian prince. Banii is the petty coinage of these coins. Only one type of ban has been known in the Wallachian classical medieval numismatics so far during Mircea's reign - Walachia’s shield / the Greek cross. Ours coin represents a new type of petty coinage - the ban with portrait. It has no legend. The obverse - standing ruler, with a florenate crown, wearing a tight coat with buttons and a pleated skirt, holding a sword with a large blade pointing upwards in his right hand and an orb in his left hand; in the field, on the right, a five-beamed star. The reverse presents the divided shield - stripes / empty.
Paginaţia |<    <<  329-335   >>    >|
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Cercetări arheologice în Bucureşti: CAB; VI; anul 2005
    • Cercetări arheologice în Bucureşti: CAB; VI; anul 2005
    • Intră pe volum