Cercetările arheologice preventive de la Dămăroaia. Note privirii săpăturile din 2005 şi 2006 din Aleea Scroviştea
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Limba de redactare | română (şi un rezumat în engleză) |
Excerpt | Rescue excavations at Dămăroaia. Records on the 2005 and 2006 excavations in Aleea Scroviştea In 2005 and 2006, was done archaeological clearance excavation on the southern bank of the Griviţa Lake, on two private plots. The archaeological research produces materials from Bronze Age, Latene and Migration Epoch. From the Bronze Age was found no habitation complex, only pottery. The ceramics can be ascribe either to the Middle Bronze Age (Glina and Tei Cultures), either to the Late Bronze Age. Six archaeological complexes, two sunken buildings, three garbage pits and one “open air" oven, belong to the Latene Epoch. The archaeological inventory is formed mainly by the pottery. The settlement can be dated in the IInd- Ist centuries B.C. The last archaeological level is from the migration epoch. Three complexes have been found: two sunken building and one "open air" clay oven. Handmade pots formed the major part of the inventory, as well as clay rolls. Also was found a bronze metallurgical tool. The settlement can be dated in the VIth - VIIth centuries A.D. |
Paginaţia | |< << 127-180 >> >| |
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Editura | Publicat de: Agir |
Loc publicare | Bucureşti |